
Women's Forum

The Women's Forum is a firm wide initiative designed to foster greater interaction among women lawyers at all levels of the firm. Through regularly scheduled programs and initiatives, the Women's Forum provides more opportunity for our women lawyers to network with each other and address issues of common interest, such as career growth, mentoring, and business and professional development. The Women's Forum is organized on an office-by-office basis, with coordination among the offices.

Examples of Programs and Initiatives:

  • Professional and Business Development Programs. The Women's Forum has sponsored programs for our women lawyers featuring outside experts on various topics, such as oral advocacy skills for women and building and maintaining client relationships.
  • Client Presentations. Our Women's Forum has invited women clients to the firm to share their thoughts on strategies for managing client relationships.
  • Bar Association Events. The Women's Forum participates in bar association and professional events. For example, we were a major sponsor and participant in the DC Women's Bar Association initiative focusing on issues impacting the recruitment and retention of women in the legal profession.
  • Internal Discussions. Through our regular meetings and small group discussions, women lawyers engage in discussions about their career paths and challenges, mentoring experiences, time management, business and professional development strategies and opportunities, and financial planning.
  • Social Events. The Women's Forum has sponsored activities designed to promote relationship-building among the women lawyers at the firm. These events include dinners, informal lunches and group outings.
  • Work-Life Balance. Many women lawyers also participate in the firm's Work-Life Balance group, which provides opportunity for all interested attorneys -- both men and women -- to share information and to discuss issues relating to balancing work obligations with other commitments, including family.